Richmond Wellness Trail

We are so excited to see the pouring of concrete for the first bioretention area at the Richmond Wellness Trail this week! Funded in part by an Urban Greening grant, the Wellness Trail will offer an interactive health and wellness themed trail for the Richmond community, showcasing three-dimensional murals and art installations. It will provide a Class IV bikeway, new low water use landscaping, and water quality features, and links Richmond’s BART Station with the Ferry Terminal. This first phase of the project, constructed by Ghilotti Bros, Inc., develops the a 1.1 mile pedestrian and bicycle pathway along 16th and Marina Way, improving access between the Richmond Greenway and Cutting Boulevard. This trail will be a critical pathway to connecting the Iron Triangle with the Coronado neighborhoods in Richmond. The new trail will make it easier for this community to explore alternative modes of transportation, all while improving overall watershed health.

A partnership between the Trust for Public Land, City of Richmond, and GroundWork Richmond are making this trail a reality for the community to enjoy. Mike Vidra and Robert Stevens led the civil design, and Mike can be found these days on site supporting mack5 in providing construction oversight.

We’re looking forward to seeing completion of the project this December!


After 40 years of supporting California’s infrastructure development, Al Cornwell to retire from CSW|ST2